Public Consultation Survey for the 6th Revision of the CPA Accreditation Standards and Procedures for Doctoral Programmes and Internships in Professional Psychology


The Canadian Psychological Association (CPA) Accreditation Panel for Doctoral Programmes and Internships in Professional Psychology is undertaking its 6th revision of the Accreditation Standards and Procedures for Doctoral Programmes and Internships in Professional Psychology (hereafter referred to as the Standards).  The current version of the Standards was adopted in 2011.


The goal of revision is to get input on the Standards from the psychology training community in Canada.  The Standards are, first and foremost, community standards; set by the psychology training community, and aspiring to best practice in the teaching and training of psychologists.  With this in mind, the following questions have been generated from feedback from the training community, as well as observations from the Accreditation Panel and the Accreditation Office.  The survey questions are divided into two broad groups.  The first group contains general questions about the Standards in the context of the current training and practice climate in Canada.  The second group focuses on specific standard-related issues, and is largely in response to feedback from the training community.  Since many of the questions in the survey reference specific Standards, the text of those Standards will be included alongside the relevant questions.  We also encourage respondents to consult the Standards manual in its entirety for more contextual information related to each of the Standards.  A copy of the Standards can be downloaded at:


This survey is part of a multi-step revision process.  Once this survey closes, the results will be integrated into a draft revision of the Standards by a committee overseen by the CPA’s Accreditation Panel.  That draft will then be circulated to the training community for further feedback which will be integrated into a second draft.  The feedback process will continue until both the Panel and majority of the training community are satisfied with the revisions.  Once this occurs, a final draft will be submitted to the CPA Board of Directors for approval; the Board may then approve it as proposed or request further revisions.  The Accreditation Panel anticipates that the 6th revision will be completed by June of the year 2020.


Please note that by clicking "next" and completing this survey, you consent to your data being published and disseminated at peer-reviewed conferences and in professional publications.  All data published will be anonymous, and only aggregate data will be used in publications/presentations, such that no individual respondent can be identified.  Further, only the demographic questions are mandatory, and the whole survey should take approximately 30-45 minutes to complete. 


Should you be unable to complete the entire survey, please note that you can stop and restart the survey using the "resume later" button at the bottom of each page.  Please also note that in order to finalize your survey, you must click the "submit" button on the last page of the survey.


If you have any questions about this survey or the Standards revision process, please contact Dr. Stewart Madon, Registrar of Accreditation, at


Thank you in advance for your participation in this process, and for your continued support of the advancement of psychological training in Canada.



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