CPA Strategic Plan 2025-2030 - Proposed Vision, Mission, and Goals

As the national association for the science, practice, and education of psychology in Canada, the CPA focuses on overarching issues that affect the discipline and profession and engages in activities that have broad impact. It is guided in this work by a strategic plan.

As the CPA’s 2020-2025 Strategic Plan comes to an end, the CPA invites all current members and affiliates, which includes its Board of Directors, Committees, Working Groups, Sections, Journal Editors, as well as its Partner Representative Organizations, other external parties, and non-members and non-affiliates of the association to provide input into the CPA’s next strategic plan. Your input is welcomed on the proposed vision, mission, and goals.

The plan is intended to be flexible and responsive to the emerging needs of society, as well as the CPA’s diverse constituencies. To this end, some of the goals from the CPA’s current plan will continue in the next strategic plan (e.g., advocating for psychology’s contribution to societal issues, growing the discipline and profession), while others will shift from being a singular goal to a focus that spans all goals thereby ensuring thoughtfulness and action in those areas in all the CPA’s activity (e.g., promoting equity, diversity, inclusion, and accessibility; being accountable to Indigenous Peoples through the CPA’s response to the TRC report). 

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